Thursday, January 20th, 2022, marked our very first Schübel Vision Elite Virtual Summit! We were so happy to see familiar faces show up, as well as some new ones in the form of chiropractic students. Having had such a diverse audience of awesome people ranging from bright, young chiropractic students to more mature, established chiropractors really goes to show that there is something for everyone to learn with Schübel Vision Elite. 

At our summit, we covered several essential topics such as: Schübel Vision Elite’s Five Core Fundamental Business Systems, our 14 Steps to Success, how to grow your chiropractic practice in the first year, how to stay connected with patients in 2022, and slipping, checking, and goal setting! Some of these topics should certainly ring a bell in the minds of our members, but we also included new and exclusive content that was only covered at our summit.

Chiropractic Coaching That Grows Successful Practices

The night started with the unveiling of our beautiful promotional video, as seen here:

and this was a great segue into Dr. Schübel’s presentation on the Five Core Fundamental Business Systems of Schübel Vision Elite. He clearly emphasized how running a systems-based chiropractic practice is essential to running a profitable practice and finding a great level of success in the industry. He also went into how, when you finally master running a systems-based chiropractic clinic, you open the way towards financial abundance and living a truly balanced life. We even got a special glimpse into his own chiropractic career, which has involved not only opening multiple chiropractic offices in North America but expanding his entire chiropractic business into South America as well! After his amazing story was done being told, it was time to move to Dr. Hahn.

Dr. Hahn covered SVE’s 14 Steps to Success, the core of our specialized chiropractic coaching program for creating and running a successful business. He covered all 14 steps very briefly, but then homed in on two incredibly important steps: Steps #2 & #4 of Schübel Vision Elite’s 14 Steps to Success, which are Developing your 30 Second Description of Chiropractic & Schübel Vision Elite’s 7 Point Daily Checklist. If you want to create a truly remarkable practice (and in turn a remarkable life!), then these two steps are vital to implement to bring in and retain potential patients! Dr. Hahn would know; he himself has been able to grow a true million-dollar single practitioner office effortlessly thanks to systems! After Dr. Hahn’s presentation, it was time for Dr. Murray to take the stage.

Dr. Murray taught the attendees about how to best grow their practice in their first year. Many important factors of a chiropractor’s first year were discussed, such as physically starting your chiropractic office, but one of the biggest things mentioned was the importance of your clinic’s social media presence. Setting up business profiles for your clinic on social media platforms was a key part of the chiropractic marketing strategy that Dr. Murray brought up and really helps to reach prospective clients. He also went into his social media strategies for getting reviews for your clinic, and how they provide social proof to help get you more visits per week from potential chiropractic clients. After Dr. Murray’s in-depth presentation into what to do to grow your practice in the first year, next up was Dr. Nogrady.

Dr. Nogrady, as always, kept things short and sweet with his presentation about mindset strategies for goal setting, slipping, and checking. These are all important to keep in mind so that you always keep checking on the goals that you set as a chiropractor and keep those goals from slipping. He gave wonderful tips to the participants about how to handle those times when you lose your zeal and how to correct yourself in those moments.

Finally, we had Mr. Poncelet’s presentation about staying connected with your patients in 2022. His presentation delved into a lot of the digital/technological side of marketing for businesses. As an industry expert in SEO (search engine optimization) marketing, he gave insight into how chiropractors can grow their online patient base through utilizing things such as Facebook ads and blog posts as part of an excellent SEO strategy to increase their place in search rankings, which works wonderfully for creating a strong online presence. All of these different online platforms can combine together to create a cohesive chiropractic marketing strategy, which will in turn only strengthen the possibility of potential clients finding your clinic online and choosing your clinic to go to.

What’s Your Question?

After Mr. Poncelet concluded his presentation, it was time for the Q&A session. There was such wonderful discussion that occurred during this session that our Visionaries wish it never had to end! But alas, as with all good things, it had to come to an end at some point. Everyone bade each other adieu, and with that, our very first Schübel Vision Elite Virtual Summit came to an end.

As you can see, all of our Visionaries had so much chiropractic business coaching wisdom to share that we could hardly condense it all! Our Visionaries actually had such a wonderful time interacting with everyone that they wanted to give people that weren’t able to join in a chance to watch too! If you want to watch all of these presentations in their entirety and learn some chiropractic industry secrets for success in practice, you can purchase a copy of the show through the links below!

Schübel Vision Elite Members & Students, get your copy here.

Non-members, get your copy here.

Our Chiropractic Coaching Business

Of course, our Summit is only a chunk of all of the chiropractic business coaching knowledge we possess. Are you interested in joining a group of successful chiropractors who have developed a first-class training program that teaches both chiropractic students and established chiropractors alike how to implement business systems that are crucial to building your practice? By becoming a member of Schübel Vision Elite today, you gain access to video trainings that have been created by our founders themselves and cover our 14 Steps to Success. What are the 14 Steps to Success you may ask? They are all steps that, when implemented into your chiropractic practice (and even your personal life!), provide you with a systems-based practice with great levels of success that will leave you with a fantastic work-life balance and allow you to gain financial abundance! If you wish to see a major shift in your aspects for practice success and gain valuable practice management skills, then join us through the link below!

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